This page could potentially be super, super long, but I'll try to keep it concise. God is in every aspect of my life and I can't explain how much He means to me. I gave myself to Jesus on August 24, 2004 at the age of 10 years old. My daddy, a preacher, baptized me. I'm not the best person on my own, but with God all things are possible and every day I make progress towards being like Christ.
I was raised in the Church of Christ, and that's still where my comfort zone is, but I don't believe like a traditional CoC. I believe that Christians divide over really trivial things and that most of Christianity is about agreeing to disagree. Loving God and loving others is the most important aspect of my faith, and everything else is secondary. I believe that God's grace should be evident in the lives of Christians. I believe we should make it obvious by living in the light, being honest with each other, and passing that grace on to others.
I was raised in the Church of Christ, and that's still where my comfort zone is, but I don't believe like a traditional CoC. I believe that Christians divide over really trivial things and that most of Christianity is about agreeing to disagree. Loving God and loving others is the most important aspect of my faith, and everything else is secondary. I believe that God's grace should be evident in the lives of Christians. I believe we should make it obvious by living in the light, being honest with each other, and passing that grace on to others.
My faith and beliefs have changed a lot over the years, and I hope they continue changing. I believe that change is evidence of growth, a proof of the maturing process. I am saved by the grace of God, and my beliefs about him are important because he lives within me and I need to pay attention to his voice and his movement in my life.
With time, I hope to become more like Jesus. I have hope that I will love more like he does as I grow as a Christian. I have hope that this life can be wonderful, and I have a hope that the next life will be worth anything I can go through right now.
Romans 8:18: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."
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